
  • Women's Ministry - 

    Growing TOgether in the Lord

    Bible Studies and a variety of events promote spiritual growth in fulfilling relational settings throughout the year. Getting together as sisters in Christ helps us focus on growing spiritually and "loving each other." Through face-to-face interaction and fellowship we can challenge and encourage each other to be the women God has called each of us to be. More details to come regarding our fall Bible studies.

  • ECMen's Ministry

    • Our ECMEN meets for breakfast every Thursday morning at 7:00 at Grand Ave. Grill  in Mars, PA.

    • ECMEN Gathering meets every Saturday morning at 7:30 am on our campus for in depth Bible Study.

    • ECMEN Pastor's book club meets the last Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. If you would like more information about the current book, please email the office.

    Additional Resources to sign up for daily devotions.

  • Adult Sunday School

    Adult Sunday school meets each week at 10:00 am in room 5. This is an interactive inductive study of the Bible done book by book, chronologically, taught by Jim Kennedy (one of our Elders).

  • Romans 12: A 21 day study

    Pastor Dan has written a 21 day study on Romans 12! Feel free to pick up a printed booklet at the church, or download the PDF to read and study through.

    Click here for the pdf file.

  • One Year Bible Challenge 2024

    For several years, our church has participated in the One Year Bible Challenge, and in 2024, we are excited to expand the reach of that challenge.  Are you up for the challenge?


    What is the One Year Bible Challenge?  It’s a commitment to read the entire Bible, cover to cover, both Old and New Testaments over the course of one calendar year.

    This Bible  challenge is open to anyone who would like to participate. If you need a Bible, please email the church office. (